
We welcome you to the 7th IWA Inter-national Conference on eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP 2025).

We are delighted to host ecoSTP 2025 in Sweden, one of the most technologically innovative countries in the world and a role model for sustainability and the circular city concept.

ecoSTP 2025 aims to bring professionals from both academia and industry to discuss cutting-edge technologies in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment including water, energy, material recovery, sustainability, and governmental decision mechanisms.

Some of the key topics are:

  • Resource recovery for circular cities
  • Centralized and decentralized ecotechnological and management alternatives
  • Water Reuse
  • Digitalization
  • Sustainability, techno-economic and social impacts

Conference Venue: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden


(limited to 3 companies)
SEK 100 000

Logo visibility
– Conference website – sponsors page
– Hand program
– Digital abstracts book
– Social media post

Material (material provided by the sponsor)
– Company Logo on Conference rollup
– Brochure/Notebook/Pen/USB(for conference bag)
– Own Company rollup at venue
– Lanyard (1 sponsor, first come first served)

Explicit Mention in the Program and Screen. Sponsors can choose two of 1-6 options upon availability
1. Coffee and posters break
2. Keynote lecture
3. Technical visits coach (2 visits)
4. Pre-conference courses
5. Chair/moderate one session
6. Gala Dinner

Free registrations, including conference dinner
2 registrations


(unlimited )
SEK 50 000

Logo visibility
– Conference website – sponsors page
– Hand program
– Digital abstracts book
– Social media post

Material (material provided by the sponsor)
– Brochure/Notebook/Pen/USB(for conference bag)
– Own Company rollup at venue

Explicit Mention in the Program and Screen. Sponsors can choose two of 1-4 options upon availability
1. Coffee and posters break
2. Keynote lecture
3. Technical visits coach (2 visits)
4. Pre-conference courses

Free registrations, including conference dinner
1 registration


(unlimited )
SEK 25 000

Logo visibility
– Conference website – sponsors page
– Hand program
– Digital abstracts book
– Social media post

© Copyright - ecoSTP2025