Call for workshops
Call for Workshop Proposals: ecoSTP 2025
We are pleased to announce a call for workshop proposals for the 7th International Conference on Eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP 2025), taking place from June 23-26, 2025, in Stockholm, Sweden.
As part of the conference, we aim to organize three highly engaging and interactive workshops that align with the conference’s focus on sustainable wastewater treatment technologies, circular economy, and eco-innovations. We seek proposals from scientists, experts, and practitioners, who are eager to share their insights, foster discussions, and collaborate on emerging trends and solutions.
Workshop Proposal Guidelines
- Deadline for submissions: February 3rd, 2024, at 5 pm (CET).
- Proposals must be submitted using the template provided on the conference website.
- Completed proposals should be emailed to
- Please include “Workshop Proposal” in the email subject line.